James Viola’s Family

James was born in Tacoma, Washington. His mother, Maria Viola, passed away when he was very young, and he was adopted by his mother’s sister and her husband. He thinks of his aunt and uncle as his mother and father. James’ mother and her sister Angela came to America from Italy when they were children. Angela married William Campbell. Out of love for his mother and respect for his Italian heritage, James uses his mother and aunt’s maiden name of Viola.


When James was growing up, William was an English teacher and Angela owned a bar. William was the one who first introduced James to Shakespeare, starting a lifelong love affair with his plays. Angela and William have two children of their own, Laura and Jennifer, whom James considers his sisters. The three of them started working at Angela’s bar when they were young. This bar was the first place James started performing. He would play the piano while his sisters sang. As James got older, he would try out songs he wrote on guitar or piano in the bar. Occasionally James will still come back to the bar to perform.

James Viola family is very supportive of his career as an actor. His sister Laura is a lawyer, specializing in artist contracts. She works at a law firm in Seattle and represents some of the city’s top musicians. Jennifer is a teacher, like their father. She teaches mathematics at Stadium High School in Tacoma. The family never misses a single opening night of one of James’ plays. James realized how lucky he was to have such a supportive family when he went to college. He found that some of his other friends were not so lucky, and that their families did not approve of their decisions to pursue an artistic career.

James Viola’s Hobbies and Interests

James’ main pastimes are reading, listening to music, and watching films. James believes that a well-rounded artist must expose himself to all art forms in order to truly create good art. Since childhood, James reads constantly. His favorite writer is Jack Kerouac, and On The Road inspired him when he was a young man. One of James’ dreams is to take a road trip across the United States, as Jack does in his book. As a musician, James has a great love of music. Though he appreciates all genres, he particularly loves Jimi Hendrix. Jimi, like James, was from the Seattle area and is a left-handed guitarist. James enjoys watching films, new and old. He feels that he learns a lot from acting by watching other actors. His favorite film is Fight Club.

James Viola-Seattle Based Actor

To stay active, James is part of an indoor, co-ed soccer team. James Viola used to play soccer as a child and enjoys continuing the sport as an adult. Indoor soccer is a much more fast-paced and cardio intensive version than playing on a large, outdoor field. The sport keeps James in shape and allows him the opportunity to make friends outside the theatre community. As an actor, James needs to maintain good physical condition and finds that playing soccer is a much easier way to do so than going to the gym. James is also a fan of professional soccer. He loves following the World Cup, men’s and women’s, every two years. Like a true Seattleite, his favorite team is the Seattle Sounders.

James Viola’s Work Outside of Acting

Acting tends to be a very unstable job, so James supplements his work with other freelance opportunities. Every fall, James partners with local elementary schools to run theatre workshops for children. James feels that introducing children to theatre at a young age provides them with skills that they can apply to the rest of their lives. James teaches them theatre games and exercises which educate the children in leadership skills, public speaking, and active listening.

James Viola

Through these workshops, James observes children gaining confidence in themselves and learning how to cooperate with others. James works with several public schools in the Seattle area. James specifically works with schools in low-income areas to provide children the opportunity to experience theatre that would not otherwise have the opportunity.

James Viola is also a freelance musician. This skill is valuable to his work as an actor because it makes him more employable. He has played piano and guitar since he was young. He taught himself to play the mandolin while he was in college, when one of his professors suggested he take up a less common instrument. James plays in several small bars and cafes a few times a week. These bars appreciate a local musician coming in to provide ambience and light entertainment in the evening. On several occasions, local bands that want to add the unique sound of the mandolin to their live performance or studio recordings hired James to play with them. Though James does not wish to pursue a full musical career, he feels lucky to have the ability to supplement his love of acting with another creative job.

James Viola’s Actor Training

James studied acting at Cornish School of the Arts in Seattle, Washington. James auditioned for the school a few days after undergoing surgery to have two of his wisdom teeth removed. James was worried that his performance would suffer, as he was in the midst of the recovery process. The admissions team was very understanding of his condition. Despite being under the influence of pain medication and having to remove the gauze from his mouth for his performance, James gave one of the best performances of his young life and was accepted to Cornish for the following September.

During college, James was nominated to compete for the Irene Ryan Award at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC. James felt that his passion for Shakespeare would provide him the best chance of winning and chose a monologue from Richard III as his competition piece. James had never experienced nervousness to such a degree as he did before his performance. Though he did not end up winning the award, James was the runner-up in the competition. He felt that this experience prepared him for other stressful auditions that would come up in his professional career.


During his last year of college, James Viola was accepted to take part in a summer training intensive with the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford-Upon-Avon in the United Kingdom. James was proud to have the opportunity to study Shakespearean acting in Shakespeare’s birthplace with the most renowned Shakespeare company in the world. During his three months with the RSC, James worked on the comedy Much Ado About Nothing and the tragedy Titus Andronicus. James felt challenged to understand and deliver the jokes in Much Ado About Nothing to a modern audience. To this date, the role of Benedick in Much Ado is still one of his favorite roles. While studying Titus Andronicus, James faced the difficult task of exploring the character of Marcus Andronicus. Marcus has a particularly long and difficult speech in the middle of the play that James struggled to perfect. By the end of the summer, James learned skills that would carry him through the rest of his career as a Shakespearean actor.

What James Viola Wants His Son to Know

James Viola is an effective communicator who builds relationships with high-power executives from around the globe, but his most important relationships are with his family members.

James Viola

He tells his son the following:

  • Give back – James says volunteering is a rewarding experience everyone should have.
  • Have fun – He doesn’t hesitate to enjoy off-road events or motorcycle fundraisers.
  • Make memories – James encourages his son to break world records and choose to spend time with loved ones.

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James Viola – Talented Innovative Action Manager

As an Innovative Action Manager at JLABS in San Francisco, California, James Viola is in charge of spearheading creative and novel marketing events. He has maintained this position since the year 2013 and has relished in the opportunity to work on behalf of a widely known brand.

He establishes, plans, and implements rich programming for investor conferences, workshops, site-wide panels, networking occasions, and social parties. He is in charge of directing JLABS biggest global occasion, which occurs annually.

Each year, James Viola strives to come up with new material and activities to create a lively, prosperous event for the company he has come to know and love. James Viola also organizes digital marketing strategies including social media and email campaigns to support innovation and increase the visibility of the JLABS brand name.

Throughout his time in this role, he was fortunate enough to work with various groups including NCI, The Gates Foundation, OrbiMed, NCI, NEA, and several others.


James Viola Hosts Super Science Event

On March 1, James Viola tweeted, “Hosting a very special group from the University of Tokyo…Super Science Women.” WiSTEM is the Women in Stem Network, a group that encourages women entering into roles that involve science, technology, engineering or math (STEM). James recently helped put together an event at the University for Johnson and Johnson’s JLABS.

JLABS consistently supports innovation to meet tomorrow’s healthcare needs. James works to put together events that draw investors and supporters like the World Without Disease Quickfire Challenge, a worldwide competition with a $500,000 prize for the individuals providing the best solution to disease and medical problems around the world.

James Viola

James Viola doesn’t just support education and innovation during working hours, he volunteered for his local school board for several years and once participated in a flag football event that raised $25,000 for underprivileged youth.



What James Viola Has Achieved During His Career

James Viola is helping Johnson and Johnson change the world. JLABS helps developing companies and innovative thinkers develop solutions for the world’s future healthcare needs.

James Viola

When bright minds come up with technology or products that make a difference in major medical issues, JLABS connects them with business and financial partners so they can focus on developing their product. James puts together marketing events that connect innovators with investors.

James Viola has a long history of success in marketing and event planning. When he worked for Ducati, James developed a mobile tour operation from the ground up, tripling sales in only five years. While he worked at Mainstreet Marketing, James increased website traffic for one client by 35 percent. The Family Travel Marketing Expo he arranged achieved their sales targets at their first ever show.

Events for Johnson and Johnson are more successful every year under James’ careful planning. The JLABS reception annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference attracts thousands of participants and now requires street closures to accommodate visitors at the indoor/outdoor event.



5 Unexpected Details Regarding James Viola

James Viola shows up at Johnson and Johnson every day overflowing with fresh ideas and creative enthusiasm. Retailers, manufacturers and associates who have worked with him know James has lived a fascinating life.

James Viola

Here are facts people are often surprised to discover:

  • James Viola is a Guinness World Record holder for participating in the longest flag football game ever.
  • When he worked for Ducati, James worked behind the scenes for the filming of Terminator Salvation, where the Ducati Hypermotard 1100 served as inspiration for the Moto-Terminator.
  • James once planned a lunch event at the base of the Grand Canyon.
  • He worked with Kiehl’s LifeRide to raise money for AIDS/HIV research as celebrities and other riders traveled from Seattle to Los Angeles by motorcycle.
  • James gets consistent results, with clients reporting statistics like 35 percent higher web traffic and five times greater media coverage.


James Viola Promotes International Women’s Day at JLABS

This year, International Women’s Day is March 8, and James Viola has been working hard with JLABS to plan a special event. HBA San Francisco and the Johnson and Johnson research company are working together to celebrate how women have contributed to science.

At the event, chief scientific officers of Ankasa Regenerative Therapeutics and Naked Biome will share how they overcame the challenges unique to women and live each day making a difference. The head of JLABS California will also speak about her personal journey and share how women can make a difference.

James markets and coordinates high quality events for JLABS in the Bay Area. His work involves planning investor meetings, workshops and large-panel discussions like the International Women’s Day event. He has been working behind the scenes for months to help assemble the speakers, venue and other elements that will make this event a great success.

Visit https://medium.com/@jamesviolaa/james-viola-explains-bay-area-jlabs-dea51fefd2c3 to read more articles